You can Earn Money by Sharing Images.
ImgMoney gives you cash every time when ever visitors visits a link and you will be get paid weekly and the amounts depends on the visitor you send.
Our Tiers are based on 1000 views
A: United Stats, United Kingdom, Canada - 3.0$
B: Australia, Austria, New Zealand, Switzerland - 1$
C: Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy, Nederland, France, Irland, Sweden, Greece, Norway, Portugal, Luxembourg - 0.7$
D: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Stonia, Hungary, Israel, Poland, Russia, Iceland, Japan, Laos, Lithuania, Singapore, Pakistan - 0.1$
E: All Others - 0.05$
Our Rules
ImgMoney gives you cash every time when ever visitors visits a link and you will be get paid weekly and the amounts depends on the visitor you send.
Our Tiers are based on 1000 views
A: United Stats, United Kingdom, Canada - 3.0$
B: Australia, Austria, New Zealand, Switzerland - 1$
C: Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy, Nederland, France, Irland, Sweden, Greece, Norway, Portugal, Luxembourg - 0.7$
D: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Stonia, Hungary, Israel, Poland, Russia, Iceland, Japan, Laos, Lithuania, Singapore, Pakistan - 0.1$
E: All Others - 0.05$
Our Rules
- Unique IP is counted once per 24 hours.
- Our minimum payout ammount is 3 dollar!
- We pay twice a Week!
- Your images are stored indefinitely!
- We support all payment methods PayPal, MoneyBookers, Indian Bank Transfer.
- We Do Not Pay For People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, Viet Nam
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